July 16, 2008


Hey hey... another day, another update! Sweet!

We played in Invergordon at the weekend. What a silly, silly day! Some highlights include, calling everyone John, even the dog, rocking out with the kids... ok, I was taking the piss out of them a bit, Stevie making a new friend "have you got a girlfriend? I've got four!" Other highlights include Phil from Lad Lazarus sitting on the floor blazing drunk saying into the mic, "I think it's hilarious that you paid £4 for this shit"

We played fine. It wasn't exceptional and in all honesty, it was a poor night. We did have a good laugh on the way down and home though.

On Sunday, we headed for "the studio" aka, Skinandi's to record some drums for a couple of new tracks we've written. The plan is, to release these songs online for free download and distribution etc. We're lazy as fuck, and spending hundreds of pounds getting CD's duplicated isn't very cost effective. Fuck that, we make pittance at gigs... just have the songs!

Darren managed to record four songs in the space of a couple of hours. We've not got real names for three of them yet, so just now they're called, Big Kev, Johnny and Isaac. The other track we recorded is Those Feelings. I'm sure some people will be happy to see that we've recorded that song. I know a few of you who always harass me about playing it.

Big Kev joined us for our recording session. He was a useful chap yet again. He went and picked things up for us and he got a grand slagging for... well, we don't need an excuse really. He was just there and we slagged him off for it. Megan was also there and took a couple of pictures. We're not very interesting when we record. We gurn at each other a lot, Darren says "what do you think" and even when I say fine, he says "Hrm, there's one bit... but otherwise ok" What a dick!

Guitars are next I think, I'm not really sure when though. Next week sometime I'm guessing. Should be great crack... no really.

For now, cya John!


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